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From Tisidra Jones
CEO | Lawyer | Author |  Artist | System MapMaker |
 Human Being

A quote I stand by:

“Love is Progress. Hate is Expensive.”

~ Esau Jenkins

Why do you do this work?
I care about the human beings in my community. When I was a little kid I used to ask people, "what did you want to do when you were a kid and if you aren't doing it, are you happy? If you are not happy, what would make you happy?" A commonality I found was that when people felt they had access to what they needed to have their basic needs met they enjoyed their lives more and believed they had more opportunity to thrive. At a basic level, I want people to have access to what they need to thrive.


In my research and work that access has often included access to the following: Information; Navigating Systems; & Resources. Strong & Starlike exists to increase access to information related to economic opportunities; to help people navigate systems while simultaneously building more accessible systems; and increasing accessibility of financial resources, tools, and opportunities.

My Story

Tisidra is a sought-after speaker, award-winning artist, author, and lawyer who works at the intersection of creativity, policy, and entrepreneurship. Tisidra has a B.A. in music, with a minor in the Sociology of Difference from George Mason University. She acquired her J.D. from the University of St. Thomas School of Law and is licensed to practice law in New York and Minnesota. Tisidra has had articles and research published pertaining to entrepreneurship, government contracting, economic access, and advancing equal economic opportunity.  She has been invited to serve as the keynote speaker; panel moderator; TEDx presenter, grant and funding judge and CLE presenter for events focused on entrepreneurship, organizational infrastructure building, and business inclusion in government contracting. Tisidra, has also developed training programs for government entity and hospital supply chain staff pertaining to business inclusion.

Throughout her career, and in her current role as CEO of Strong & Starlike, Consulting, Inc., Tisidra has worked with government entities, hospitals, nonprofits, and businesses to design sustainable programs and policies related to economic development, economic opportunity, and business inclusion. She has drafted ordinances for municipalities, state statutes and promulgated federal regulations. Tisidra is a firm believer in creating policies and programs with input and engagement with the people who are impacted by the policies and programs. As a result, she has worked with artists to engage hundreds of business owners and residents through community engagement to inform program and policy development for entities.

Finding connections across sectors has been integral to the work that Tisidra has done. As a result, she has served on over 30 boards, advisory councils and community engagement committees across sectors. She has also curated cross-sector advisory committees for major initiatives. This has informed her holistic, cross-sector approach to developing policies, programs and recommendations for clients.

While she is passionate about her work, in her spare time Tisidra loves being outdoors, enjoying Trinidadian food, and spending time with friends and family. 

My Proficiency

Scholarly Publications & Books


Tisidra Jones, A Guide to Business Inclusion Programs in Government Contracting: U.S. Federal, State, and Local Programs and Laws, (2023)


Artika Tyner & Tisidra Jones. Inspiring and Equipping the Next Generation of Lawyer-Leaders: Center on Race, Leadership and Social Justice. UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS LAW REVIEW (2021)


Select Speaking Engagements


  • CLE Presenter, “501(c)(3) Organization Formation from Start to Finish,” National Business Institute CLE, Virtual (listed as a speaker July 2022).

  • Presenter, “Succession & Transition Planning: How To Begin,” Minnesota Council on Nonprofits, Virtual (June 2022).

  • Panelist, “Public Artist Basics: Taxes, Contracts, and Permits,” Forecast Public Art Artist Workshop, Virtual (May 2022).

  • Presenter, "Inspiring and Equipping the Next Generation of Lawyer-Leaders With a Lens Towards Social Justice," 8th Annual International Human Trafficking & Social Justice Conference, Virtual (September 22-24, 2021).


Select Awards, Accolades, & Press



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